FW1: 8 Week Introduction to Flameworking

Welcome to the world of flameworking!

This course covers the basic fundamental techniques for melting and forming borosilicate glass with oxygen/propane torch. Demonstrations combined with student work time and individual student-teacher instruction will make up the core curriculum. 

Course Goals and Objectives: Developing an introductory level of technical proficiency with flameworked borosilicate glass-Learning flameworked glass vocabulary -Understanding safe and courteous operating procedures in the glass studio-Recognizing historical uses of glass in industry, and in the arts.-Cultivating a stronger vision for your continuing artistic pursuits.

Anticipated Lesson Course Schedule (subject to change)

Session 1 – Course overview, shop safety basics of manipulating borosilicate glass at the torch, working with small rods, regions of the flame, cutting rod, gathering, punty and termination
Session 2 – Structures and seals, hot seal verse cold seal, butt seals, T-Y  seals, bending solid rods
Session 3 – Rod construction. building shapes, marbles cones and cylinders. Student will show proper seals and bending by constructing a form of their choice
Session 4 – Solid sculpting adding bits and bit work, first look into color, pulling stringers and networking glass shapes work time
Session 5 – Implosions and push mushrooms, work time
Session 6 – Bridging, flame annealing and work time
Session 7 – Introduction to hollow glass tubing, straight seals, opening tubes, setting up blanks 
Session 8 – Hollow spheres and ovals

Each class is 3 hours long and meets once a week for 8 consecutive weeks.

Free Open Studio Days are also included in your registration. After 12 hours of instruction time (and with teacher approval) through the end of the course, students can book a three hour time slot in the studio once a week from 10am – 6pm, Monday through Friday, to work on class projects or additional pieces. You will just pay for materials used. Please make a reservation with dana@brooklynglass.com to book a table. 

$1177 + booking fee.

No experience necessary.

Option to purchase personal flame safety glasses for the course, link below:


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